Video Games (PSP) - TOP.ORG

Saturday, November 21, 2009

P2S now offers PTCs!!

Just when I thought points2shop couldn't get any better, it now offers PTC offers. (PTC= paid to click)

There are around 20 of these offers been added to the site and they can be done daily!

The site pays you 1 points or $0.01 for every PTC you do, which is actually more than most PTC sites! It may not sound like much, but it's an extra $1.40 a week getting you closer to that Wii game you've always wanted!

To get credit for these offers, you must click on one link on the advertisers page that interests you (never more than one because the advertiser needs unique clicks). There's no timer on these offers, but its best to leave the page open for around 20 or more seconds. Its that simple!

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