Video Games (PSP) - TOP.ORG

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Help Me Hatch My Dragon!

Please click my dragon egg to help it hatch!!

If you do you'll also receive the chance to get a free dragon egg yourself and a free $5!

Get Free Wii Points!

With Nintendo constantly releasing new games to download on the virtual console, its difficult to keep up with getting Wii points/Nintendo points; especially at $20 each.

However, its possible to get free wii points, yes that right FREE WII POINTS!

Its very simple to do, all you do is complete a few surveys online and you will be racking up the free wii points in no time!! It's that simple!! In fact, you could probably get your first free wii points card in just a few days! Its perfectly legit and legal!

I have gotten lots of free Wii points this way!

So, why wait? Start building up your collection of classic games on the Wii! Sign-up here and start getting your free Wii points today!

And remember, there is no limit to how many free wii points you can get, so you can get as many games as you want.

Click here to get started!


Good luck and enjoy your free wii points ;)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Free Wii Game! Super Mario Galaxy 2!

I previously posted that I had just pre-ordered Super Mario Galaxy 2 for free and it has finally come!!
So basically I just got the hottest game of the year so far for free!

I really love this game, its so fun and there is plenty of gameplay. The addition of Yoshi into the Mario Galaxy world is awesome and this is probably better than the first one!

It was so easy to get this for free too, it literally takes a few minutes a day (of course the more you put into it, the more you can earn). This is the only legal and legit way to get free Wii games.

Stop paying for your Wii games and start getting them for free.

Sign-up here for your free Wii games

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Get Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Free!!

Yes, you read the title right! The release of Super Mario Galaxy 2 is just around the corner and this is a must have for every Wii owner.

With the high cost of video games and the economic issues these days being able to get hot new games like this on the release date seems like a far cry away. You could wait for the price to drop (that will probably take like forever) or wait for Christmas (if you want to wait almost 7 months) or you could get your hands on it as soon as it comes AND for FREE.

In fact I pre-ordered Super Mario Galaxy 2 a few weeks ago and it was completely free! Yes I EVEN pre-ordered it and it didn't cost me a dime!

So, its up to you. You could...

1) Wait a few months, scrape together about 50 bucks


2) Get it in the first few weeks of release, and not even open up your wallet!

This is going to be one of the biggest releases for the Wii this year! You don't want to miss out on this!

To get your copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2 for free, just follow this link:

I want Super Mario Galaxy 2 for free!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Free DS game

You can get more than just free Wii stuff online, you can also get free DS games too. I have gotten some other free DS stuff before too. In fact you can free video games for any console you like. Here's the free DS game I received:

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

I pre-ordered this and it came a few days after it was released. This is an awesome DS game and I got it for free!

Go grab some free DS games today: Join points2shop
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Video Games (PSP) - TOP.ORG Blog Directory